Find an Installer
The schemes below can help you find tradespeople with the right experience and qualifications to carry out your home upgrades
Buy with Confidence
The Buy with Confidence scheme is a Trading Standards administered and approved scheme that protects and certificates companies. The scheme has a robust vetting process and companies must show they are suitably skilled and experienced in their particular field.
Find the scheme and a list of approved companies
The Trustmark scheme is similar to Buy with Confidence but specifically for tradespeople that can carry out upgrades to homes including works to reduce energy costs and carbon emissions. It’s endorsed by the government and businesses who sign up to Trustmark are checked for technical competence and providing good customer service.
Find trusted tradespeople in your area
Trading Standards South West
Unfortunately there are a growing number of companies operating as rogue traders. Sometimes this will involve them pretending to be from genuine organisations. The most recent and common rogue trading incidents involve homeowners who’ve used builders for property maintenance and/or significant repairs and found that the work is conducted to a very poor standard or the contractor takes a deposit and does little or no work.
Find out how to avoid Rogue Traders
Visit a Heat Pump
Discover how green home heating works for homes like yours. Hear directly from heat pump owners in your area and get first-hand experience of things you can’t find online.
Visit a heat pump is an independent website providing information, resources and guidance on heat pumps that can help you make well-informed choices about the future of your home heating. It is a service run by Nesta, the UK’s innovation agency for social good.